Other Kits
There are various kits that I've built more or less as-is. Where I have made modifications it's usually to get the kits to work as advertised. Each kit has its own page, linked below.
LED Spinner Kit
A kit to construct a kind of spinning top that lights LEDs as it spins.
Fireworks LEDs Kit
A circuit board containing numerous LEDs that flash in a sequence that looks (at a stretch) like fireworks.
Breathing LEDs Kit
A simple circuit board that contains four LEDs that pulse on and off.
Sound Activated LED Kit
A circle of LEDs that cycle through when a microphone picks up sound.
Pulse Generator Module Kit
Generates pulses of one of four different wave types, with variable duty cycles.
Motor Speed Regulator Kit
A unidirectional, variable speed, electric motor driver based on a 555 timer.
3D Flashing LED Xmas Tree Kit
A 3D Christmas tree with flashing LEDs using a circuit based on capacitors and transistors.