Rain Sensors: Junction Box In progress
The purpose of the junction box is to connect the wires coming from the rain detector and gauge units to more substantial cable that will be run into the house.
The junction box is to be constructed from two 3D printed components: the main housing and a lid.
A terminal block is to be used to connect the wires coming from the rain detector and gauge to the more substantial cable that runs to the house.
The terminal block will be mounted inside the housing. The box will then be filled with sealant and the lid glued in place.
The following photo shows the 3D printed housing and lid:
That's all the progress there is to date.
STL file
An STL file that can be sliced to produce the 3D printed components can be downloaded from the cahamo/rain-sensors
repository on GitHub.
The file is copyright © 2024, Peter Johnson and is made available under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license v4.0.